Struggling to get consistent deal flow in your real estate business?

Helping Investors Get Consistent Deal Flow by Turning Lost Opportunities Into Deals

Discover How In The Video Below

No thanks, I'm doing plenty of deals

Let's face it - learning these things on your own can take a lot of time, cause a lot of frustration and will likely leave you with many unanswered questions.

That's where a community comes in.

Being part of a community is like getting in a time machine. It allows you to fast track your success because you have access to and are able to get all of your questions answered by people who have been there before and who are currently crushing it in the industry.

It's the difference between the 999,999 real estate investors that don't make money, and the .00002% that do!

Without Creative Financing

  • Missed Opportunities

  • Limited Flexibility

  • Increased Risk

With Creative Financing

  • Enhanced Cashflow

  • Mitigates Financing Hurdles

  • Adaptability in Changing Markets

Still considering your options?


  • Weekly Zoom Training Calls

    • Live Q&A

    • Structured training

    • Tips, and strategies that work!

  • Direct Access to Alex, Scott and Anthony

    • Accessible coaches, waiting to assist and teach

  • Access to Our Entire Network

    • Accessible coaches, waiting to assist and teach

  • Access to Our Entire Creative Finance Video Course

    • How to structure deals with zero money down

    • How to beat your competitors offer with ease

    • Learn how to make offers on all asset classes

  • Access to Our Entire Wholesale to Wealth Video Course

    • Learn wholesaling from beginner to elite

    • Perfect for training anyone at any level

  • Access to 30+ Ready-Made Documents and Contracts

    • All legal documentation you need to engage sellers

    • Protect yourself, and protect your company

  • Access to Our Private Facebook Group

    • Make social media profitable again

    • Community of like-minded individuals

    • Share what's working and get feedback from others

  • Access to Our Morning Meeting Recordings

    • Sales training

    • Call recordings

    • Roleplay scenarios

  • Platform Techstack Setup Training

    • Dialer best practices

    • CRM best practices

    • Phone system best practices

With over a decade of real estate experience Alex has now built a 16 man wholesale operation, Quick Cash Offer and owns Vault Ventures, LLC He has been able to acquire 1,400+ doors and has $50 million of assets under management in all kinds of asset classes including single family, multifamily, mobile home parks and even self storage. He specializes in and has built a vast majority of his portfolio through creative financing and he can help you learn how to underwrite and pitch creative finance offers so that you can take down more assets yourself.

Scott owns and operates Lamassu Media, an enterprise level call center in Colombia, South America with over 200 employees. He has over a decade of experience in building out call centers and providing the highest quality leads to clients. Scott specializes in training cold callers and building out systems and processes and can help you scale your business.

Anthony has helped grow he Alex's wholesale operation from a 2 man team to now a team of 16. With 10 years of wholesaling experience Anthony and Alex have done over 2,000+ wholesale deals. Anthony specializes in training sales teams and helping them make the most of their leads and he can help you and your team do the same.

Do you want to start getting consistent and predictable deal flow in your real estate business?

See for yourself

Are you tired of sitting on the sideline?